Coast of Maine
1: Guests are
welcome aboard in Rockland, Maine by noon and have lunch onboard either
under sail or in a quiet anchorage. We then sail to Islesboro, anchor
for the evening. Go for a leisurely walk ashore while a traditional
down east lobster feast is prepared for you.
Day 2: After breakfast we get underway and sail along the coast of Islesboro, where you can view the lovely Dark Harbor estates, anchoring off one of the East Bay islands for lunch and a possible walk ashore. From there we sail to the head of Eggmoggin Reach and anchor in Buck's Harbor. There is often a variety of Maine Schooners at anchor. Guests can also go ashore and then come back for appetizers and dinner onboard.
Day 3: Once breakfast is finished and the boat is secure, we hoist sail and head down Eggmoggin Reach, under the Deer Isle Bridge and work our way through Casco Passage, past Bass Harbor Bar into Northeast Harbor. Again lunch is either under sail or at one of our favorite anchorages. Guests often enjoy exploring Northeast Harbor. The Mt. Desert Island Carriage Trails are close by, as well as Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Dinner is served onboard, unless guests chose to eat ashore at one of the many fine restaurants.
Day 4: You can choose to explore more of the area or we can get underway after breakfast and sail up Somes Sound, the only fiord in the North East. We continue up to Somesville and eat lunch while sailing out of the Sound. You can choose between anchoring in Southwest Harbor for the evening or we could sail on to Swans Island. We cater the charter to your liking. We also have a lovely sailing/rowing dinghy that you may use as much as you choose. Fishing is also an option while under sail or at anchor.
Day 5: From the anchorage either in Southwest Harbor or Swan's Island, we would set sail for either Isle au Haut or even possibly Matinicus, if the winds were favorable. Both islands offer you the opportunity to experience what life on one of the outermost islands is like. On Matinicus you can go out in a traditional Maine lobster boat for a few hours if you chose.
Day 6: After a leisurely breakfast we would set sail for Vinalhaven and possibly anchor off of Brimstone Island, where you can explore the island. After lunch we sail through Fox Island Thorofare, between Vinalhaven and North Haven, anchoring in one of their pristine harbors. You may enjoy wandering through the small town of North Haven and visiting some of the art galleries.
Day 7: After breakfast, sail through the myriad of islands around Vinalhaven, feasting on the breathtaking beauty. You are sure to see seals, porpoises, Osprey, Loons, and possibly Bald Eagles. We can make our days of sailing stretch far into the evening if you so wish. We anchor in Pulpit Harbor, North Haven for the last evening onboard. Again, our guests are welcome to go ashore for a walk, or to perhaps use our little sailing dinghy to explore the harbor.
Day 8: After your last breakfast onboard, we will get underway and sail back to Rockland where it all began. Saying good-bye is always difficult for us, for our charter guests become friends who we often see again and again.